Topics of Interest

The Humble But Effective Start to the Resident Priority Movement in BC

BC Resident Action for Mountain Sheep or RAMS was started in the mid 1970’s in Fort St. John by a small number of resident hunters over a concern on the impact by the guide outfitting industry on mountain sheep populations and resident opportunities. Members of the RAMS executive met with elected government officials in Victoria and the concerns expressed were largely ignored. The lack of action on behalf of residents by government resulted in a media campaign in the form of a series of news papers that were distributed to the majority of sheep hunters around the province. This media campaign and the accompanying pressure from resident hunters got the attention of government and ultimately lead to guide outfitters going on quota for Stone’s Sheep.

Resident Action for Mountain Sheep Newsletter Image


Read the full RAMS Newspaper (64 MB)

GOABC: Economic Viability Paper

Paper presented to the Ministry of Environment by the Guide-Outfitters Association of BC.

The Guide Outfitter Industry in British Columbia_Challenges and New Opportunities

Sheep on LEH: GOABC tries to throw resident hunters under the bus

The Guide-outfitters Association of BC (GOABC) has requested that the government put all resident sheep hunting opportunities across the Province on LEH (a draw system) or remove all guide-outfitter quotas.  This move could put sheep populations at serious risk or it would throw resident hunters under the bus.  Either way this is the latest attack on resident hunting opportunity and priority in BC.

A paper released by GOABC in January which was never to be seen beyond bureaucrats in Victoria or MLAs states: “If there is a conservation concern or a need to control the harvest then guides should be on quotas and the recreational hunters should be on Limited Entry Hunting (LEH), and vice versa.”  GOABC considers this fair.

Currently there are several hunts where outfitters are on quotas and resident are on GOS and for good reason.  No guide-outfitter quotas was tried up until the 70s with devastating results.  In the Peace non-resident hunters were harvesting up to 86% of the sheep and putting sheep herd health at risk resulting in LEH in one area.

As a result RAMS (Resident Action for Mountain Sheep) was formed and it was only after a long and hard fought battle that outfitter quota and compulsory inspection was put in place to bring non-resident harvest down.

The driving force behind quota was a major over-harvest by non-residents, thus creating a conservation concern.  Removing guide-outfitter quota is not a place resident hunters want to go back to.

Continue reading Sheep on LEH: GOABC tries to throw resident hunters under the bus